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Can I just admit something? Being a doula is lonely sometimes. When I’m not in a birth, I spend my days shifting between prenatal appointments, consultations and childbirth classes or I’m at a coffee shop trying to eek through some dreaded administrative work (ugh.) Basically I’m either in vulnerable, sometimes intense and emotionally charged spaces, or I’m alone, surrounded by strangers and it doesn’t feel like there’s much of a middle ground.

There are plenty of paid perinatal worker groups, networking events and referral programs I can join to spend time with others in the birthwork community. But here’s the thing that I struggle with: I don’t want to network with you, I want to get to know you.

When you are the product you’re selling- your expertise and presence - networking is a necessary evil. That said, I don’t want the only time I’m really getting to know other doulas to be when we’re also exchanging information and/or trying to get more clients.

I love other doulas, and I love learning from them. We all have a unique combination of experiences, and have a different way of approaching our clients and work life balance. But more importantly, we all have a story of our own that led us down the doula path. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had time to get to know one another, not in competition but in community?

I believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, and at the risk of overdoing this metaphor, there are many days where my boat feels like it’s washed up on a dry beach. I would love to participate in a community that lifts as it climbs, affirming and supporting one another in each of our individual journeys. Join me?

Fill out the form below 👇🏼 to sign up for the emails regarding our gatherings!