What is the gathering?


The Doula Gathering is a chance for labor and postpartum doulas to join one another, not in competition but in community. Through both scheduled and unstructured activities and time together, we hope to create honest friendships that help us all feel a little less alone in our work. The cost will vary, depending on the activity, but the Gathering itself does not cost money.

Where & when do we gather?


Right now our gatherings are not scheduled in advance. As we grow, we hope to have a calendar of monthly opportunities for you to plan around. For now, we are basing our time off of the availability of the group, starting with activities like yoga & juice or a walk around Radnor Lake.

Some things the gathering is not:

  • A networking event

  • Membership-based

  • Continuing Education

  • A chance to scope out the “competition”

  • A place to tear down other birth workers

Some things the gathering definitely is:

  • A safe space

  • A place to be known and loved

  • Somewhere to bring your insecurities or frustrations as a doula

  • A group that will grow and evolve based on the collective need and desires