& knows my heart for this work would tell you that a huge part of this journey has been figuring out how to offer doula services and childbirth education in a way that is actually affordable for families.
Truly, it is counterintuitive for me to charge for something I love this much, and more importantly I am so disappointed at how many women I hear from that would love to have a doula but just don't feel like they can afford it.
To that end, when I started my business, I set up a need-based scholarship fund that women can apply for to make doula services accessible to them. I also work with families on creating a payment plan whenever necessary because- and I cannot say this enough- finances should never be the thing that stands in the way of a woman having the support and information she desires.
Besides these structural elements to my business model, I love to take advantage of as many discount opportunities - so for a Mother's Day present to all you Mamas & Mamas-to-be, I'm offering a 15% discount if you book between now and Mother's Day!