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There are a handful of people in the world that know the extent of my love for all things royal family. Emily Blunt plays Queen Victoria? Forget it. The Crown on Netflix? I’m dead. The woman I’ve come to love from Suits MARRIES INTO THIS WORLD and I lose my dang mind.

As if I didn’t love Meghan enough before, she gets pregnant and then plans to have two things in her birth experience that the rest of the world never saw coming: A HOME BIRTH & A DOULA. *screaming* Suddenly I’m seeing titles like, “6 Ways a Doula Can Transform the Birthing Process for Moms-to-Be” in mainstream media and I am beyond grateful that the value of a doula is finally A PART OF THE CONVERSATION HALLELUJAH!

Then, in my own back yard (Nashville), the ACOG conference is held at the Music City Convention Center. On stage, Meghan’s birth plan is referenced along with the words, “let’s see how that goes” followed by laughter. I see red.

SIDE NOTE: I want to acknowledge that it’s easy to get stuck in your ways and to even believe that birth is meant to look a certain way if that’s all you’ve known. Once you’ve seen the births that I have, though, you begin to think differently. 😉🤰🏼

SO, I’m getting back at the closed-minded cynics by celebrating.

Instead of remaining frustrated that a room full of care providers would ever mock someones personal health choices, I’m basically throwing confetti around, staying SIKED that MEGHAN MARKle USED A DOULA. end of conversation.

So for the entire month of May, anyone that books labor services for any time (though I’m assuming no more than 8 or 9 months out unless some of you out there are clairvoyant) will get 15% off labor support services or the labor support & childbirth education package!*

*15% cannot be applied on top of discount already applied from scholarship. 15% can be applied to payment plan clients.

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