How do you process?
So life is coming at you. You have stress at work and/or at home. Something goes down in a friendship. Your family has lost its mind. WHERE DOES IT ALL GO?! Asking for a friend.
Photo by Tom Holmes on Unsplash
Do you journal? Do some yoga? Meditate?
I’m really asking here, not just throwing out options. Because here’s the thing: every single thing I just listed helps me feel at least 40% better, and that’s a minimum, like when things are really bad. But I also only do those things like 4% of the time.
My reasons for not prioritizing that type of self care are endless, and I’m willing to bet I’m not alone.
More often than not, (and frankly just for the sake of time and to keep me from falling apart) my answer is to word vomit all over my husband. It ends up frying him, which causes him to check out around minute 36, meanwhile I’m left feeling lonely like I don’t have anyone to talk things through with. And I don’t think the answer is in expecting my huz to have more staying power as an audience to my waxing poetic (with lots of expletives).
You’re welcome for the visual, btw.
I have talked to so many different people lately, women especially, who are fighting like six different battles at any one moment and more than likely feel as though they are fighting most, if not all battles alone.
I have a feeling that this is going to become an ongoing conversation through social media and these posts, so I’m not going to try to force some profound conclusion here. Really what I would love is to hear from you out there - what helps heal your soul and how often is that really the solution you choose? To those of you in healthier rhythms- what do you attribute that to? And to those of you struggling like me- who do you have in your life that’s helping you fight your battles?
not really asking for a friend.