Four Weeks Pregnant

Ohmygosh did you know that you’re FOUR weeks pregnant?! That’s incredible. Let’s talk about what’s going on in your body, and what that might feel like to you. 

Your sweet little poppy seed is implanting itself into your uterine wall this week. Implantation usually happens about a week after ovulation, so you’ve had this small, but mighty egg meet a small, but mighty sperm to make a fertilized egg that knows exactly where to go, and is headed there now to become an embryo.

Symptom wise, you probably don’t even know you’re pregnant yet. If you’ve been trying and tracking your cycle, an at-home test might be able to tell you what’s going on at this point, but even that’s not guaranteed just yet. Usually, what you’re feeling at four weeks is basically what you’d feel any other month as you have pre-menstrual symptoms, though you might have an increase in: breast tenderness, cramping, bloating and maybe some fatigue. 

Your basal body temperature is elevated from ovulation until your next period, so in early pregnancy, that elevated number will likely hang around. 

During implantation, you might see some bleeding or spotting which is totally normal. About 1/3 people will experience this period fake-out. Also, your body starts to prioritize the growth of your embryo, so your immune system will drop a bit. For those of you in early pregnancy during cold and flu season, buckle up. You’re a lot more likely to catch a little bug. 

Mood swings, nausea, heartburn, constipation, dizziness and an excess of or change in discharge are all par for the course at this stage, but likely won’t be intense enough to really notice until your pregnancy continues to advance. 

Did you know that the cells on the inside of your embryo are what will form a tiny human, and the cells on the outside start to form the placenta!

The end of the story is this: by four weeks, you preggos have already made a lot of progress. But, things are still really up in the air right now! You might not know to even pick up a test yet. Or, you might pick up a test and get a false negative because it’s too early (or a false positive, in the event of a chemical pregnancy). If you’re trying to get pregnant, now is a great time to try and stay busy. Without definitive answers, this is one (of many) waiting periods throughout the journey to parenthood, and it can be easy to obsess your way down a rabbit hole. Lean into the value and joy of the in the in-between! And if you’ve got questions about navigating the process, or want to learn more about fertility and pregnancy, drop us a line. 

Until our next update… Happy human growing!

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