Posts tagged labor
6 Tips to help you Cope in Labor

There are so many things you can use to help you through labor. There are totally different techniques, lots of comprehensive and super effective programs you can use like Hypno, and a lot of position support and comfort measures that trained support people can bring to your birth as well. But let’s get back to the basics with these 6 tips for coping with labor.

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Amanda Dowd, Head of Birth Doula Services

So, hello! I’m Amanda, and if you’re reading this as a potential or current client, I am so thrilled to be supporting you. I will probably shed a few tears at your birth (I usually do!) and I will always have chocolate on me if you need a little pick-me-up post delivery. I promise to hold space for all of your fears, hopes, and dreams, and I promise to honor you and your family exactly as you are. I promise to educate, empower, and uplift you, and I promise to support your choices without judgement.

Welcome to Terra Cotta Perinatal. Kat and I are so excited you’re here.

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You can do hard things. Even this.

I am grateful for the unique perspective I am granted as a birth worker. There is something so grounding about attending births in this season, remembering that life cannot be stopped. I believe the world could use some more doulas right now; doulas in families, friendships and at work. Fellow humans, willing to sit in an honest acknowledgment of the fullness of our circumstance, reminding us of the value of the pain we are enduring. Someone willing to stand with you and say, “I know this hurts, but remember that you can do hard things.”

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